矩阵链式元素结构 【十字链表】
template <class T> class arrayList : public linearList< T >
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <exception> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <type_traits> #include <cstdint> #include <cstddef> #include <assert.h> template<typename T> class arrayList; template <typename value_type> bool operator<( const arrayList<value_type>& lhs, const arrayList<value_type>& rhs){ register int i; for(i = 0; i < std::min( lhs.listSize, rhs.listSize ); ++i) if( !( *( lhs.elements + i ) == *(rhs.elements + i) ) ) return *( lhs.elements + i) < *(rhs.elements + i); return lhs.listSize < rhs.listSize; } template <typename value_type> bool operator==( const arrayList<value_type>& lhs, const arrayList<value_type>& rhs){ if( !( lhs.listSize == rhs.listSize ) ) return false; register int i; for(i = 0; i < lhs.listSize; ++i) if( !( *( lhs.elements + i ) == *(rhs.elements + i) ) ) return false; return true; } template <typename value_type> bool operator!=( const arrayList<value_type>& lhs, const arrayList<value_type>& rhs){ return !( lhs == rhs ); } template < typename T > std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const arrayList< T >& x){ x.output( os ); return os; } template < class T > class linearList{ public: virtual ~linearList( void ) {}; virtual bool empty( void ) const = 0; virtual std::size_t size( void ) const = 0; virtual T& get( int theIndex ) const = 0; virtual int indexOf( const T& theElement ) const = 0; virtual void erase( int theIndex ) = 0; virtual void insert( int theIndex, const T& theElement ) = 0; virtual void output( std::ostream& os ) const = 0; }; template <class T> class arrayList : public linearList< T >{ friend bool operator==<T>( const arrayList<T>&, const arrayList<T>&); friend bool operator< <T>( const arrayList<T>&, const arrayList<T>&); friend bool operator!=<T>( const arrayList<T>&, const arrayList<T>&); friend std::ostream& operator<< <T>( std::ostream&, const arrayList<T>&); class iterator{ public: typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef T value_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; iterator(pointer thePosition = nullptr) : position( thePosition ) {} reference operator*( void ) const { return *position; } pointer operator->( void ) const { return &(*position); } iterator& operator++( void ) { ++position; return *this; } iterator& operator--( void ){ --position; return *this; } iterator operator++( int dummy ){ iterator tmp = *this; ++position; return tmp; } iterator operator--( int dummy ){ iterator tmp = *this; --position; return tmp; } bool operator!=( const iterator rhs ) const{ return position != rhs.position; } bool operator==( const iterator rhs ) const{ return position == rhs.position; } protected: pointer position; }; public: arrayList(int initialCapacity = 10, std::size_t Scaler = 2); arrayList( const arrayList< T >&); ~arrayList( void ){ if(elements) delete[]elements; elements = nullptr; } virtual bool empty( void ) const { return listSize == 0; } virtual std::size_t size( void ) const { return listSize; } virtual T& get( int theIndex ) const; virtual int indexOf( const T& theElement ) const; virtual void erase( int theIndex ); virtual void insert( int theIndex, const T& theElement ); virtual void output( std::ostream& os ) const; T& operator[]( std::size_t position ) const; std::size_t capacity( void ) const { return arrayLength; } iterator begin( void ){ return iterator( elements ); } iterator end( void ){ return iterator( elements + listSize ); } inline void trimToSize( void ); void setSize( std::size_t _Size ); protected: void checkIndex(int theIndex) const; T* elements { nullptr }; std::size_t arrayLength { 10 }; std::size_t listSize { 0 }; uint8_t Scaler; }; template < class T > void arrayList< T >::checkIndex( int theIndex ) const{ if( theIndex < 0 || theIndex >= listSize ){ std::ostringstream oss; char buf[ 64 ]; sprintf( buf, "given index = %d; size = %d", theIndex, listSize ); oss << buf; throw std::invalid_argument( oss.str() ); } return; } template < class T > arrayList< T >::arrayList(int initialCapacity, std::size_t Scaler) :Scaler( Scaler ){ if( initialCapacity < 1 ){ std::ostringstream oss; char buf[ 64 ]; sprintf( buf, "initial capacity = %d Must be > 0", initialCapacity); oss << buf; throw std::invalid_argument( oss.str() ); } arrayLength = initialCapacity; elements = new T[ arrayLength ]; } template < class T > inline void arrayList< T >::trimToSize( void ){ changeLength1D( elements, arrayLength, std::max( listSize, 1ULL ) ); arrayLength = std::max( listSize, 1ULL ); } template <class T> void arrayList< T >::setSize( std::size_t _Size ){ if( listSize > _Size ) for( std::ptrdiff_t i = _Size; i < listSize; ++i) delete (elements + i); listSize = _Size; } template <class T> T& arrayList< T >::operator[]( std::size_t position ) const{ checkIndex( position ); return *(elements + position); } template < class T > arrayList< T >::arrayList( const arrayList< T >& theList ) :arrayLength( theList.arrayLength ) ,listSize( theList.listSize ) ,elements( new T[ arrayLength ]) { std::copy(theList.elements, theList.element + listSize, elements ); } template < class T > int arrayList< T >::indexOf( const T& theElement ) const{ int ret {}; return ( int )( ( ret = std::find(elements, elements + listSize, theElement) - elements) ) == listSize ? -1 : ret; } template < typename T > void arrayList< T >::erase(int theIndex ){ checkIndex( theIndex ); std::copy( elements + theIndex + 1, elements + listSize, elements + theIndex ); elements[ --listSize ].~T(); } template < typename T > void arrayList< T >::insert( int theIndex, const T& theElement ){ checkIndex( theIndex ); if(listSize == arrayLength ){ changeLength1D( elements, arrayLength, arrayLength * Scaler ); arrayLength *= Scaler; } std::copy_backward( elements + theIndex, elements + listSize, elements + listSize+1 ); elements[ theIndex ] = theElement; } template < typename T > void arrayList< T >::output( std::ostream& os ) const{ std::copy( elements, elements + listSize, std::ostream_iterator< T >( os, " ") ); } template < typename value_type > void changeLength1D( value_type*& pArray, const signed long& N, const signed long& M ) { // static_assert(typename std::is_copy_constructible<value_type>::value, "requires copying"); if( nullptr == pArray ) throw std::domain_error( "array is nullptr" ); if( N < 0 || M < 0) throw std::invalid_argument( "illegalParameterValue N|M given" ); std::size_t checkedN = static_cast< std::size_t >( N ); std::size_t checkedM = static_cast< std::size_t >( M ); value_type* temp = new value_type[ checkedM ]; std::copy( pArray, pArray + std::min( checkedN, checkedM ), temp ); delete [] pArray; pArray = temp; } template < class T > T& arrayList< T >::get( int theIndex ) const{ checkIndex( theIndex ); return elements[ theIndex ]; } template < typename value_type, std::size_t formerN, std::size_t formerM > value_type** chanegeLeagth2D( value_type (&_Matrix)[ formerN ][ formerM], const signed long& newN, const signed long& newM){ assert(newN > 0 && newM > 0 || "invalid argument nagetive N | M given"); // static_assert(typename std::is_copy_constructible<value_type>::value, "requires copying"); value_type ** _ScaledMatrix = new value_type*[ newN ]; for( std::ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < newM; ++i) _ScaledMatrix[ i ] = new value_type[ newM ]; int i,j; std::size_t checkedN = static_cast< std::size_t >( newN ); std::size_t checkedM = static_cast< std::size_t >( newM ); for(i = 0; i < std::min( formerN, checkedN ); ++i) for(j = 0; j < std::min( formerM, checkedM ); ++j) _ScaledMatrix[i][j] = _Matrix[i][j]; return _ScaledMatrix; } template < typename InputIterator > void myCopy(InputIterator begIt, InputIterator endIt, InputIterator resIt ){ while( !( begIt == endIt ) ) *resIt++ = *begIt++; } int main( void ){ int *pArray = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; changeLength1D( pArray, 5L, 10L ); int i; for(i = 0;i < 10;++i) std::clog << *( pArray + i ) << ' '; constexpr int N { 5 }; int *pEnd = pArray + N; for( std::ptrdiff_t i { N }; i > 0; --i ) std::clog << ( *( pEnd - i ) = i ) << ' '; std::endl( std::cout ); return 0; }
template < class T > class chain : public linearList< T >;
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <cstdio> #include <iterator> #include <type_traits> template < class T > class linearList{ public: virtual ~linearList( void ) {}; virtual bool empty( void ) const = 0; virtual std::size_t size( void ) const = 0; virtual T& get( int theIndex ) const = 0; virtual int indexOf( const T& theElement ) const = 0; virtual void erase( int theIndex ) = 0; virtual void insert( int theIndex, const T& theElement ) = 0; virtual void output( std::ostream& os ) const = 0; }; template < class T > class extendedLinearList : public linearList< T > { public: virtual ~extendedLinearList( void ){ } virtual void clear( void ) = 0; virtual void push_back( const T& theElement ) = 0; }; template < class T> struct chainNode{ T element; chainNode< T > *next { nullptr }; chainNode( void ) {} chainNode( const T& element ) :element( element ) {} chainNode( const T& element, const chainNode< T > *next ) :chainNode( element ) { this->next = next;} }; template < typename T > class chain; template < typename T > std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const chain< T >& x){ x.output( os ); return os; } template < class T > class chain : public linearList< T >{ class iterator{ public: typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef T value_type; typedef chainNode< value_type >* pointer; typedef chainNode< value_type >& reference; iterator( pointer theNode = nullptr) : node( theNode ) {} reference operator*( void ) const { return &node->element; } pointer operator->( void ) const { return node->element; } iterator& operator++( void ) { node = node->next; return *this; } iterator operator++( int dummy ){ iterator tmp = *this; node = node->next; return tmp; } bool operator!=( const iterator rhs ) const{ return node != rhs.node; } bool operator==( const iterator rhs ) const{ return node == rhs.node; } protected: pointer node; }; public: chain( const chain< T >& ); ~chain( void ); virtual bool empty( void ) const { return listSize == 0; } virtual std::size_t size( void ) const { return listSize; } virtual T& get( int theIndex ) const; virtual int indexOf( const T& theElement ) const; virtual void erase( int theIndex ); virtual void insert( int theIndex, const T& theElement ); virtual void output( std::ostream& os ) const; iterator begin( void ){ return iterator( firstNode ); } iterator end( void ){ return iterator(); } protected: void checkIndex( int theIndex ) const; chainNode< T > *firstNode { nullptr }; std::size_t listSize { 0 }; }; template < class T > chain< T >::chain( const chain< T >& theList) :listSize( theList.listSize ) { if( !listSize ) return; chainNode< T > *sourceNode = theList.firstNode; firstNode = new chainNode< T >( sourceNode->element ); chainNode< T > *targetNode = firstNode; while( sourceNode ){ targetNode->next = new chainNode< T >( sourceNode->element ); targetNode = targetNode->next; sourceNode = sourceNode->next; } } template < class T > void chain< T >::checkIndex( int theIndex ) const{ if( theIndex < 0 || theIndex >= listSize ){ std::ostringstream oss; char buf[ 64 ]; sprintf( buf, "given index = %d; size = %d", theIndex, listSize ); oss << buf; throw std::invalid_argument( oss.str() ); } return; } template < class T > T& chain< T >::get( int theIndex ) const{ checkIndex( theIndex ); chainNode< T > *currentNode = firstNode; for( register int i { 0 }; i < theIndex; ++i) currentNode = currentNode->next; return currentNode->element; } template < class T > int chain< T >::indexOf( const T& theElement ) const{ chainNode< T > *currentNode = firstNode; int index = 0; while( currentNode && !( currentNode->element == theElement ) ){ currentNode = currentNode->next; ++index; } return currentNode ? index : -1; } template < class T > void chain< T >::erase( int theIndex ){ checkIndex( theIndex ); chainNode< T > *deleteNode; if( !theIndex ){ deleteNode = firstNode; firstNode = firstNode->next; }else{ chainNode< T > *p =firstNode; for( register int i { 0 }; i < theIndex; ++i ) p = p->next; deleteNode = p->next; p->next = p->next->next; } listSize--; delete deleteNode; } template < class T > void chain<T>::insert( int theIndex, const T& theElement ){ checkIndex( theIndex ); if( !theIndex ) firstNode = new chainNode< T >( theElement, firstNode ); else{ chainNode< T > *p = firstNode; for( register int i { 0 }; i < theIndex; ++i ) p = p->next; p->next = new chainNode< T >( theElement, p->next ); } listSize++; } template < class T > void chain< T >::output( std::ostream& os ) const{ for( chainNode< T > *currentNode = firstNode; currentNode; currentNode = currentNode->next) os << currentNode->element << ' '; } int main( void ){ return 0; }
// a term in sparseMatrix #ifndef matrixTerm_ #define matrixTerm_ using namespace std; template <class T> struct matrixTerm { int row, col; T value; operator T() const {return value;} // type conversion from matrixTerm to T }; #endif
矩阵链式元素结构 【十字链表】
// element types used by class linkedMatrix #ifndef matrixElements_ #define matrixElements_ #include "extendedChain.h" using namespace std; template<class T> struct rowElement { int col; T value; bool operator !=(const rowElement<T>& y) {return (value != y.value);} void output(ostream& out) const {out << "column " << col << " value " << value << endl;} }; template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const rowElement<T>& x) {x.output(out); return out;} template<class T> struct headerElement { int row; extendedChain<rowElement<T> > rowChain; bool operator !=(const headerElement<T>& y) {return (row != y.row);} void output(ostream& out) const {out << "row " << row << endl << " " << rowChain << endl;} }; template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const headerElement<T>& x) {x.output(out); return out;} #endif
// sparse matrix using an extended array list #ifndef sparseMatrix_ #define sparseMatrix_ #include <iostream> #include "matrixTerm.h" #include "extendedArrayList.h" #include "myExceptions.h" template<class T> class sparseMatrix { friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, sparseMatrix<T>&); friend istream& operator>> (istream&, sparseMatrix<T>&); public: void transpose(sparseMatrix<T> &b); void add(sparseMatrix<T> &b, sparseMatrix<T> &c); private: int rows, // number of rows in matrix cols; // number of columns in matrix arrayList<matrixTerm<T> > terms; // list of nonzero terms }; // overload << template <class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, sparseMatrix<T>& x) {// Put x in output stream. // put matrix characteristics out << "rows = " << x.rows << " columns = " << x.cols << endl; out << "nonzero terms = " << x.terms.size() << endl; // put terms, one per line for (arrayList<matrixTerm<T> >::iterator i = x.terms.begin(); i != x.terms.end(); i++) out << "a(" << (*i).row << ',' << (*i).col << ") = " << (*i).value << endl; return out; } // overload >> template<class T> istream& operator>>(istream& in, sparseMatrix<T>& x) {// Input a sparse matrix. // input matrix characteristics int numberOfTerms; cout << "Enter number of rows, columns, and #terms" << endl; in >> x.rows >> x.cols >> numberOfTerms; // set size of x.terms and ensure enough capacity x.terms.reSet(numberOfTerms); // input terms matrixTerm<T> mTerm; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTerms; i++) { cout << "Enter row, column, and value of term " << (i + 1) << endl; in >> mTerm.row >> mTerm.col >> mTerm.value; x.terms.set(i, mTerm); } return in; } /****************************************************************/ // explict code tooverload with T = int for test as compiler // unable to generate // overload << ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, sparseMatrix<int>& x) {// Put x in output stream. // put matrix characteristics out << "rows = " << x.rows << " columns = " << x.cols << endl; out << "nonzero terms = " << x.terms.size() << endl; // put terms, one per line for (arrayList<matrixTerm<int> >::iterator i = x.terms.begin(); i != x.terms.end(); i++) out << "a(" << (*i).row << ',' << (*i).col << ") = " << (*i).value << endl; return out; } // overload >> istream& operator>>(istream& in, sparseMatrix<int>& x) {// Input a sparse matrix. // input matrix characteristics int numberOfTerms; cout << "Enter number of rows, columns, and #terms" << endl; in >> x.rows >> x.cols >> numberOfTerms; // set size of x.terms and ensure enough capacity x.terms.reSet(numberOfTerms); // input terms matrixTerm<int> mTerm; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTerms; i++) { cout << "Enter row, column, and value of term " << (i + 1) << endl; in >> mTerm.row >> mTerm.col >> mTerm.value; x.terms.set(i, mTerm); } return in; } /****************************************************************/ template<class T> void sparseMatrix<T>::transpose(sparseMatrix<T> &b) {// Return transpose of *this in b. // set transpose characteristics b.cols = rows; b.rows = cols; b.terms.reSet(terms.size()); // initialize to compute transpose int* colSize = new int[cols + 1]; int* rowNext = new int[cols + 1]; // find number of entries in each column of *this for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) // initialize colSize[i] = 0; for (arrayList<matrixTerm<T> >::iterator i = terms.begin(); i != terms.end(); i++) colSize[(*i).col]++; // find the starting point of each row of b rowNext[1] = 0; for (int i = 2; i <= cols; i++) rowNext[i] = rowNext[i - 1] + colSize[i - 1]; // perform the transpose copying from *this to b matrixTerm<T> mTerm; for (arrayList<matrixTerm<T> >::iterator i = terms.begin(); i != terms.end(); i++) { int j = rowNext[(*i).col]++; // position in b mTerm.row = (*i).col; mTerm.col = (*i).row; mTerm.value = (*i).value; b.terms.set(j, mTerm); } } template<class T> void sparseMatrix<T>::add(sparseMatrix<T> &b, sparseMatrix<T> &c) {// Compute c = (*this) + b. // verify compatibility if (rows != b.rows || cols != b.cols) throw matrixSizeMismatch(); // incompatible matrices // set characteristics of result c c.rows = rows; c.cols = cols; c.terms.clear(); int cSize = 0; // define iterators for *this and b arrayList<matrixTerm<T> >::iterator it = terms.begin(); arrayList<matrixTerm<T> >::iterator ib = b.terms.begin(); arrayList<matrixTerm<T> >::iterator itEnd = terms.end(); arrayList<matrixTerm<T> >::iterator ibEnd = b.terms.end(); // move through *this and b adding like terms while (it != itEnd && ib != ibEnd) { // row-major index plus cols of each term int tIndex = (*it).row * cols + (*it).col; int bIndex = (*ib).row * cols + (*ib).col; if (tIndex < bIndex) {// b term comes later c.terms.insert(cSize++, *it); it++; } else {if (tIndex == bIndex) {// both in same position // append to c only if sum not zero if ((*it).value + (*ib).value != 0) { matrixTerm<T> mTerm; mTerm.row = (*it).row; mTerm.col = (*it).col; mTerm.value = (*it).value + (*ib).value; c.terms.insert(cSize++, mTerm); } it++; ib++; } else {// a term comes later c.terms.insert(cSize++, *ib); ib++; } } } // copy over remaining terms for (; it != itEnd; it++) c.terms.insert(cSize++, *it); for (; ib != ibEnd; ib++) c.terms.insert(cSize++, *ib); } #endif
// linked representation of a sparse matrix #ifndef linkedMatrix_ #define linkedMatrix_ #include <iostream> #include "extendedChain.h" #include "matrixElements.h" using namespace std; template<class T> class linkedMatrix { friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, linkedMatrix<T>&); friend istream& operator>> (istream&, linkedMatrix<T>&); public: linkedMatrix(){} ~linkedMatrix(){} void transpose(linkedMatrix<T> &b); private: int rows, // number of rows in matrix cols; // number of columns in matrix extendedChain<headerElement<T> > headerChain; }; template<class T> istream& operator>>(istream& in, linkedMatrix<T>& x) {// Input matrix x from the stream in. x.headerChain.clear(); // delete all nodes from x // get matrix characteristics int terms; // number of terms to be input cout << "Enter number of rows, columns, and terms" << endl; in >> x.rows >> x.cols >> terms; // create fictional row zero headerElement<T> header; // header for current row header.row = 0; // current row number // get terms of matrix x for (int i = 1; i <= terms; i++) { // input next term cout << "Enter row, column, and value of term " << i << endl; rowElement<T> *term = new rowElement<T>; int row; in >> row >> term->col >> term->value; // check if new term is part of current row if (row > header.row) {// start a new row // append header of current row to // header node chain only if row not zero if (header.row != 0) x.headerChain.push_back(header); // prepare header for new row header.row = row; header.rowChain.zero(); // clear without deleting nodes } // add new term to row chain header.rowChain.push_back(*term); } // take care of last row of matrix if (header.row != 0) x.headerChain.push_back(header); header.rowChain.zero(); // save from chain destructor return in; } template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, linkedMatrix<T>& x) {// Put matrix x into the output stream out. // output matrix dimensions out << "rows = " << x.rows << " columns = " << x.cols << endl << " "; if (x.headerChain.empty()) { out << "No non-zero terms" << endl; return out; } out << x.headerChain << endl; return out; } /****************************************************************/ // explict code to overload with T = int for test as compiler // unable to generate istream& operator>>(istream& in, linkedMatrix<int>& x) {// Input matrix x from the stream in. x.headerChain.clear(); // delete all nodes from x // get matrix characteristics int terms; // number of terms to be input cout << "Enter number of rows, columns, and terms" << endl; in >> x.rows >> x.cols >> terms; // create fictional row zero headerElement<int> header; // header for current row header.row = 0; // current row number // get terms of matrix x for (int i = 1; i <= terms; i++) { // input next term cout << "Enter row, column, and value of term " << i << endl; rowElement<int> *term = new rowElement<int>; int row; in >> row >> term->col >> term->value; // check if new term is part of current row if (row > header.row) {// start a new row // append header of current row to // header node chain only if row not zero if (header.row != 0) x.headerChain.push_back(header); // prepare header for new row header.row = row; header.rowChain.zero(); // clear without deleting nodes } // add new term to row chain header.rowChain.push_back(*term); } // take care of last row of matrix if (header.row != 0) x.headerChain.push_back(header); header.rowChain.zero(); // save from chain destructor return in; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, linkedMatrix<int>& x) {// Put matrix x into the output stream out. // output matrix dimensions out << "rows = " << x.rows << " columns = " << x.cols << endl << " "; if (x.headerChain.empty()) { out << "No non-zero terms" << endl; return out; } out << x.headerChain << endl; return out; } /****************************************************************/ template<class T> void linkedMatrix<T>::transpose(linkedMatrix<T> &b) {// Return transpose of *this as matrix b. b.headerChain.clear(); // delete all nodes from b // create bins to collect rows of b extendedChain<rowElement<T> > *bin; bin = new extendedChain<rowElement<T> > [cols + 1]; // head node iterator extendedChain<headerElement<T> >::iterator ih = headerChain.begin(), ihEnd = headerChain.end(); // copy terms of *this into bins while (ih != ihEnd) {// examine all rows int r = ih->row; // row number for row chain // row chain iterator extendedChain<rowElement<T> >::iterator ir = ih->rowChain.begin(), irEnd = ih->rowChain.end(); rowElement<T> x; // terms from row r of *this go to column r of b x.col = r; while (ir != irEnd) {// copy a term from the row chain into a bin x.value = ir->value; // x will eventually be in row ir->col of transpose bin[ir->col].push_back(x); ir++; // next term in row } ih++; // go to next row } // set dimensions of transpose b.rows = cols; b.cols = rows; // assemble header chain of transpose headerElement<T> h; // scan bins for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) if (!bin[i].empty()) {// row i of transpose h.row = i; h.rowChain = bin[i]; b.headerChain.push_back(h); bin[i].zero(); // save from destructor } h.rowChain.zero(); // save from destructor delete [] bin; } #endif
// lower triangle matrix #ifndef lowerTriangularMatrix_ #define lowerTriangularMatrix_ #include "myExceptions.h" using namespace std; template<class T> class lowerTriangularMatrix { public: lowerTriangularMatrix(int theN = 10); ~lowerTriangularMatrix() {delete [] element;} T get(int, int) const; void set(int, int, const T&); private: int n; // matrix dimension T *element; // 1D array for lower triangle }; template<class T> lowerTriangularMatrix<T>::lowerTriangularMatrix(int theN) {// Constructor. // validate theN if (theN < 1) throw illegalParameterValue("Matrix size must be > 0"); n = theN; element = new T [n * (n + 1) / 2]; } template <class T> T lowerTriangularMatrix<T>::get(int i, int j) const {// Return (i,j)th element of matrix. // validate i and j if ( i < 1 || j < 1 || i > n || j > n) throw matrixIndexOutOfBounds(); // (i,j) in lower triangle iff i >= j if (i >= j) return element[i * (i - 1) / 2 + j - 1]; else return 0; } template<class T> void lowerTriangularMatrix<T>::set(int i, int j, const T& newValue) {// Store newValue as (i,j)th element. // validate i and j if ( i < 1 || j < 1 || i > n || j > n) throw matrixIndexOutOfBounds(); // (i,j) in lower triangle iff i >= j if (i >= j) element[i * (i - 1) / 2 + j - 1] = newValue; else if (newValue != 0) throw illegalParameterValue ("elements not in lower triangle must be zero"); } #endif
// tridiagonal matrix #ifndef tridiagonal_ #define tridiagonal_ #include "myExceptions.h" using namespace std; template<class T> class tridiagonalMatrix { public: tridiagonalMatrix(int theN = 10); ~tridiagonalMatrix() {delete [] element;} T get(int, int) const; void set(int, int, const T&); private: int n; // matrix dimension T *element; // 1D array for tridiagonal }; template<class T> tridiagonalMatrix<T>::tridiagonalMatrix(int theN) {// Constructor. // validate theN if (theN < 1) throw illegalParameterValue("Matrix size must be > 0"); n = theN; element = new T [3 * n - 2]; } template <class T> T tridiagonalMatrix<T>::get(int i, int j) const {// Return (i,j)th element of matrix. // validate i and j if ( i < 1 || j < 1 || i > n || j > n) throw matrixIndexOutOfBounds(); // determine lement to return switch (i - j) { case 1: // lower diagonal return element[i - 2]; case 0: // main diagonal return element[n + i - 2]; case -1: // upper diagonal return element[2 * n + i - 2]; default: return 0; } } template<class T> void tridiagonalMatrix<T>::set(int i, int j, const T& newValue) {// Store newValue as (i,j)th element // validate i and j if ( i < 1 || j < 1 || i > n || j > n) throw matrixIndexOutOfBounds(); switch (i - j) { case 1: // lower diagonal element[i - 2] = newValue; break; case 0: // main diagonal element[n + i - 2] = newValue; break; case -1: // upper diagonal element[2 * n + i - 2] = newValue; break; default: if (newValue != 0) throw illegalParameterValue ("non-tridiagonal elements must be zero"); } } #endif
// diagonal matrix #ifndef diagonalMatrix_ #define diagonalMatrix_ #include "myExceptions.h" using namespace std; template<class T> class diagonalMatrix { public: diagonalMatrix(int theN = 10); ~diagonalMatrix() {delete [] element;} T get(int, int) const; void set(int, int, const T&); private: int n; // matrix dimension T *element; // 1D array for diagonal elements }; template<class T> diagonalMatrix<T>::diagonalMatrix(int theN) {// Constructor. // validate theN if (theN < 1) throw illegalParameterValue("Matrix size must be > 0"); n = theN; element = new T [n]; } template <class T> T diagonalMatrix<T>::get(int i, int j) const {// Return (i,j)th element of matrix. // validate i and j if (i < 1 || j < 1 || i > n || j > n) throw matrixIndexOutOfBounds(); if (i == j) return element[i-1]; // diagonal element else return 0; // nondiagonal element } template<class T> void diagonalMatrix<T>::set(int i, int j, const T& newValue) {// Store newValue as (i,j)th element. // validate i and j if (i < 1 || j < 1 || i > n || j > n) throw matrixIndexOutOfBounds(); if (i == j) // save the diagonal value element[i-1] = newValue; else // nondiagonal value, newValue must be zero if (newValue != 0) throw illegalParameterValue ("nondiagonal elements must be zero"); } #endif