- 1. tushare 介绍
- 2. mplfinance 介绍
- 3. 获取K线数据
- 4. 处理数据
- 5. 数据的可视化
1. tushare 介绍
点击这里查看 tushare 文档
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2. mplfinance 介绍
3. 获取K线数据
import tushare as ts
In [1]: daily = ts.pro_bar('000001.SZ', start_date='2019-01-01', end_date='20191231') In [2]: daily ts_code trade_date open ... pct_chg vol amount 0 000001.SZ 20191231 16.57 ... -0.7242 704442.25 1154704.348 1 000001.SZ 20191230 16.46 ... -0.3608 976970.31 1603152.786 2 000001.SZ 20191227 16.53 ... 0.9715 1042574.72 1741473.179 3 000001.SZ 20191226 16.34 ... 1.0429 372033.86 610381.757 4 000001.SZ 20191225 16.45 ... -0.6098 414917.98 679664.596 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 239 000001.SZ 20190108 9.73 ... -0.8214 402388.11 389247.795 240 000001.SZ 20190107 9.84 ... -0.1026 865687.66 841166.430 241 000001.SZ 20190104 9.24 ... 5.0647 1481159.06 1422149.888 242 000001.SZ 20190103 9.18 ... 0.9793 415537.95 384457.707 243 000001.SZ 20190102 9.39 ... -2.0256 539386.32 498695.109 [244 rows x 11 columns]
4. 处理数据
In [3]: daily.info() <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 244 entries, 0 to 243 Data columns (total 11 columns): ts_code 244 non-null object trade_date 244 non-null object open 244 non-null float64 high 244 non-null float64 low 244 non-null float64 close 244 non-null float64 pre_close 244 non-null float64 change 244 non-null float64 pct_chg 244 non-null float64 vol 244 non-null float64 amount 244 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(9), object(2) memory usage: 21.1+ KB
In [4]: daily.index=daily.trade_date In [5]: daily = daily.rename(index=pd.Timestamp)
In [6]: daily.drop(columns=['ts_code', 'trade_date', 'pre_close', 'change', 'pct_chg', 'amount'], inplace=True) In [7]: daily.columns=['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'] In [8]: daily.sort_index(inplace=True) In [9]: daily.info() <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 244 entries, 2019-01-02 to 2019-12-31 Data columns (total 5 columns): open 244 non-null float64 high 244 non-null float64 low 244 non-null float64 close 244 non-null float64 volume 244 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(5) memory usage: 21.4+ KB
5. 数据的可视化