- 问题
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- 覆盖方法
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- yaml配置:指定保存历史命令文件的路径
最近工作上遇到的一个小问题,在Spring Shell中,我们可以自己定义一些命令,已完成我们想要的功能,也可以使用内置命令如help、history、clear。但当一些内置命令达不到我们想要的功能时,就需要对其进行重新。如本次遇到的histroy命令,显示的格式是一个List列表,所有命令在一行。而我想要其以每一条命令一行的格式输出,就需要对其进行覆盖。
- 实现History.Command 接口。类路径:org.springframework.shell.standard.commands.History
- 添加注解@ShellCommandGroup(“Built-In Commands”), 表示这个是一个内置命令。
- 直接复用History中的history方法,保留其原有功能,在这个基础上,将命令每个一行输出。
import org.springframework.shell.standard.commands.History; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; @ShellComponent @ShellCommandGroup("Built-In Commands") public class MyHistory implements History.Command { private org.jline.reader.History jLineHistory = null; public MyHistory(org.jline.reader.History jLineHistory) { this.jLineHistory = jLineHistory; } // 函数名要保持不变 @ShellMethod(value = "Display or save the history of previously run commands") public String history(@ShellOption(help = "A file to save history to.", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) File file) throws IOException { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (file == null) { jLineHistory.forEach(line -> buffer.append(line).append(" ")); return buffer.toString(); } else { try (FileWriter w = new FileWriter(file)) { for (org.jline.reader.History.Entry entry : jLineHistory) { w.append(entry.line()).append(System.lineSeparator()); } } return String.format("Wrote %d entries to %s", jLineHistory.size(), file); } } }
org.springframework.shell.standard.commands.History 代码
@ShellComponent public class History { private final org.jline.reader.History jLineHistory; public History(org.jline.reader.History jLineHistory) { this.jLineHistory = jLineHistory; } public interface Command { } @ShellMethod(value = "Display or save the history of previously run commands") public List<String> history(@ShellOption(help = "A file to save history to.", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) File file) throws IOException { if (file == null) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(jLineHistory.size()); jLineHistory.forEach(e -> result.add(e.line())); return result; } else { try (FileWriter w = new FileWriter(file)) { for (org.jline.reader.History.Entry entry : jLineHistory) { w.append(entry.line()).append(System.lineSeparator()); } } return Collections.singletonList(String.format("Wrote %d entries to %s", jLineHistory.size(), file)); } } }
spring: main: banner-mode: CONSOLE shell: interactive: enabled: true history: name: log/history.log