- 概要
- 插件准备
- 实现自定义插件步骤
- 实现自定义插件步骤
- 技术细节
- 参考资料
- 小结
“tinymce”: “^5.10.7”
项目时基于 Vue3.0、Vite、 Ant-Design-Vue、TypeScript
toolbar设置 control SignBtn 是自定义的
export const toolbar = [
‘control SignBtn fontsizeselect lineheight searchreplace bold italic underline strikethrough alignleft aligncenter alignright outdent indent blockquote undo redo removeformat subscript superscript code codesample’,
‘hr bullist numlist link preview anchor pagebreak insertdatetime media forecolor backcolor fullscreen’,
工具栏设置 control 是自定义的
export const plugins = [
‘control advlist anchor autolink autosave code codesample directionality fullscreen hr insertdatetime link lists media nonbreaking noneditable pagebreak paste preview print save searchreplace spellchecker tabfocus table template textpattern visualblocks visualchars wordcount’,
const publicPath = import.meta.env.VITE_PUBLIC_PATH || ‘/’;
中英文切换 const langName = computed(() => { const lang = useLocale().getLocale.value; return ['zh_CN', 'en'].includes(lang) ? lang : 'zh_CN'; }); options设置 ```javascript return { selector: `#${unref(tinymceId)}`, height, toolbar, menubar: 'file edit insert view format table', plugins, language_url: publicPath + 'resource/tinymce/langs/' + langName.value + '.js', // 引入public中的js文件 language: langName.value, branding: false, default_link_target: '_blank', link_title: false, object_resizing: false, auto_focus: true, skin: skinName.value, skin_url: publicPath + 'resource/tinymce/skins/ui/' + skinName.value, content_css: publicPath + 'resource/tinymce/skins/ui/' + skinName.value + '/content.min.css', // 引入public中的css文件 ...options, setup: (editor: Editor) => { editorRef.value = editor }, }; ```
2:注册自定义插件为自定义插件 注册按钮和注册菜单项
// 注册自定义插件 control tinymce.PluginManager.add('control', function (editor) { // 为插件注册一个按钮 editor.ui.registry.addButton("control", { icon: "non-breaking", tooltip: "插入control", onAction: function () { // 点击按钮,需要执行的方法 dialogOpener()是封装的打开自由表单的方法 dialogOpener(); }, }) // 为插件注册一菜单项 editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem("control", { icon: "non-breaking", text: "插入control", onAction: function () { }, }) // 返回插件的元数据 return { getMetadata: function () { return { name: 'control', url: 'https://www.cinea.cc/', }; }, }; });
// 注册自定义插件 control tinymce.PluginManager.add('control', function (editor) { dialogConfig.value = Dialog(editor); const dialogOpener = () => { // 打开弹窗 return editor.windowManager.open(dialogConfig.value); }; }) // 弹框配置 表单内容配置 let Dialog = (editor) => { return { title: '添加表单', // The dialog's title - displayed in the dialog header body: { type: 'panel', // The root body type - a Panel or TabPanel items: [ // A list of panel components { type: 'selectbox', name: 'select', label: '控件', items: [ { value: 'input', text: 'input' }, { value: 'date', text: 'date' }, { value: 'radio', text: 'radio' }, { value: 'checkbox', text: 'checkbox' }, { value: 'select', text: 'select' }, // { value: 'textarea', text: 'textarea' }, ], }, { type: 'input', //类型可以是 checkbox, input, selectbox, textarea and urlinput name: 'name', label: '字段名称', }, ], }, //初始值 // initialData: { // name: '2' // }, buttons: [ // A list of footer buttons { type: 'cancel', name: 'closeButton', text: '取消', }, { type: 'submit', primary: true, text: '确认', }, ], // radio select checkbox 添加子项 设置key和value onAction: dialogFn.onAction(editor), // 切换表单控件 onChange: dialogFn.onChange(editor), // 表单提交方法 onSubmit: dialogFn.onSubmit(editor), }; };
5. 点击文本上下文显示编辑和删除的tooltip文字提示,并且点击编辑按钮弹出表单,返显HTML标签设置的属性,进行编辑
// 添加悬浮 上下文工具栏 editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar('editcontrol', { //浮层的触发条件 predicate: function (node) { return node.className === 'control'; // return node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'p' }, items: 'changecontrol removecontrol', //显示的工具列表 position: 'selection', //工具栏放置位置 selection node line // scope: 'node', }); // 浮层注册编辑和删除按钮 editor.ui.registry.addButton('changecontrol', { icon: 'edit-block', tooltip: '编辑控件', onAction: () => { // 打开弹窗并返显表单数据 let data = editor.selection.getNode().getAttribute('data-control'); data = JSON.parse(data); dialogConfig.value = Dialog(editor); dialogConfig.value.body = data.body; dialogConfig.value.title = '编辑控件'; dialogConfig.value.initialData = data.initialData; editor.windowManager.open(dialogConfig.value); }, }); editor.ui.registry.addButton('removecontrol', { icon: 'remove', tooltip: '删除控件', onAction: (editor) => { editor.selection.setContent(''); editor.dispatch('contexttoolbar-hide', { toolbarKey: 'editcontrol' }); console.log(arguments); }, });
- 注册工具栏按钮及图标 在options的setup中设置
// 注册图标 editor.ui.registry.addIcon( 'shopping-cart', `<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" data-icon="shopping-cart" width="1.5em" height="1.5em" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class=""><path d="M922.9 701.9H327.4l29.9-60.9 496.8-.9c16.8 0 31.2-12 34.2-28.6l68.8-385.1c1.8-10.1-.9-20.5-7.5-28.4a34.99 34.99 0 0 0-26.6-12.5l-632-2.1-5.4-25.4c-3.4-16.2-18-28-34.6-28H96.5a35.3 35.3 0 1 0 0 70.6h125.9L246 312.8l58.1 281.3-74.8 122.1a34.96 34.96 0 0 0-3 36.8c6 11.9 18.1 19.4 31.5 19.4h62.8a102.43 102.43 0 0 0-20.6 61.7c0 56.6 46 102.6 102.6 102.6s102.6-46 102.6-102.6c0-22.3-7.4-44-20.6-61.7h161.1a102.43 102.43 0 0 0-20.6 61.7c0 56.6 46 102.6 102.6 102.6s102.6-46 102.6-102.6c0-22.3-7.4-44-20.6-61.7H923c19.4 0 35.3-15.8 35.3-35.3a35.42 35.42 0 0 0-35.4-35.2zM305.7 253l575.8 1.9-56.4 315.8-452.3.8L305.7 253zm96.9 612.7c-17.4 0-31.6-14.2-31.6-31.6 0-17.4 14.2-31.6 31.6-31.6s31.6 14.2 31.6 31.6a31.6 31.6 0 0 1-31.6 31.6zm325.1 0c-17.4 0-31.6-14.2-31.6-31.6 0-17.4 14.2-31.6 31.6-31.6s31.6 14.2 31.6 31.6a31.6 31.6 0 0 1-31.6 31.6z"></path></svg>`, ); // 注册一个自定义的按钮 editor.ui.registry.addButton('CardBtn', { icon: `shopping-cart`, onAction: function (_) { // 点击按钮,插入上下文的签名按钮 let str = `<div class='goodsBox'><div class='goodsBtn' οnclick='goodClick('11111111')'>签名 </div></div> `; editor.insertContent(str); }, }); },
- 引入签名插件
1:import signModal from ‘/@/components/Signature/components/signModal/index.vue’;
2:在components中注册组件components: { signModal }
4:在editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar(‘editcontrol’, {})方法中设置签名弹窗的显示与隐藏
- 表单提交的时候,表单控件总是复位。
- 表单控件可以添加对表单样式的设置。
踩坑①:签名按钮,点击事件失效 过查询资料后发现标签中支持的属性还需要去配置
extended_valid_elements: 'a[class|target|href|onclick],div[class|onclick|id|style],link[rel|href]',
//添加菜单改为 addMenuItem改为 addNestedMenuItem editor.ui.registry.addNestedMenuItem('emoticons', { icon: 'emoticons', text: '插入control12', getSubmenuItems: function () { return [ // 子项设置 { type: 'menuitem', text: 'My submenu item', onAction: function () { //子项设置点击事件 alert('Submenu item clicked'); }, }, ]; },
tinymce对外接口文档, api很全,有示例: (https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/ui-components/menuitems/)
https://www.x-emr.cn/ 是成熟的电子病历,但是需要key,需要花钱
SoDiaoEditor电子病历编辑器更新至V3版本 index.js文件进行了加密打包,不能进行二次开发